SUQUAMISH, WA – The Suquamish Tribe reelected Leonard Forsman as Tribal Council Chairman and elected Irene Carper as Tribal Council Secretary.
The election was part of the tribe’s annual General Council gathering, which also included honoring new tribal elders and hearing reports from government and tribal enterprises staff. Outgoing Secretary Windy Anderson, who opted not to run for reelection this year, was also honored for her service to the tribe during the proceedings.
Members of the Tribal Council are elected for staggered three-year terms by adult citizens of the Suquamish Tribe.
Forsman was first elected to Tribal Council more than 30 years ago and he has served as Chairman since 2005. He is also President of the Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians and serves on the numerous boards across the state and region.
In 2021, Forsman was appointed by Governor Jay Inslee to the Board of Regents for the University of Washington, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology in 1987.
Carper has been on the forefront of the Indian gaming industry in Washington State since operations first began in Suquamish. Now, with more than two decades of experience working for the tribe’s business ventures, Carper currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Port Madison Enterprises.
Carper is also a veteran of Suquamish Tribal Government service. Her election marks her second tour on Tribal Council after being first elected in 2009. She is involved in community partnership programs and is a graduating member of the Leadership Kitsap Class of 2008.